API Reference

telluric.constants module

Useful constants.

telluric.constants.DEFAULT_CRS = CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True})

Default CRS, set to WGS84_CRS.

telluric.constants.EQUAL_AREA_CRS = CRS({'proj': 'eck4'})

Eckert IV CRS.

telluric.constants.WEB_MERCATOR_CRS = CRS({'init': 'epsg:3857', 'no_defs': True})

Web Mercator CRS.

telluric.constants.WGS84_CRS = CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True})


telluric.vectors module

class telluric.vectors.GeoVector(shape, crs=CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True}), safe=True)

Geometric element with an associated CRS.

This class has also all the properties and methods of shapely.geometry.BaseGeometry.

__init__(shape, crs=CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True}), safe=True)

Initialize GeoVector.

  • shape (shapely.geometry.BaseGeometry) – Geometry.
  • crs (CRS (optional)) – Coordinate Reference System, default to telluric.constants.DEFAULT_CRS.
  • safe (bool, optional) – Check method arguments validity (only CRS so far) if False, default to True
almost_equals(other, decimal=6)

invariant to crs.

equals_exact(other, tolerance)

invariant to crs.

classmethod from_bounds(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, crs=CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True}))

Creates GeoVector object from bounds.



>>> from telluric import GeoVector
>>> GeoVector.from_bounds(xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=1, ymax=1)
GeoVector(shape=POLYGON ((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)), crs=CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326'}))
>>> GeoVector.from_bounds(xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1)
GeoVector(shape=POLYGON ((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)), crs=CRS({'init': 'epsg:4326'}))
classmethod from_geojson(filename)

Load vector from geojson.

classmethod from_xyz(x, y, z)

Creates GeoVector from Mercator slippy map values.


Gets the underlying Shapely shape in a specified CRS.

This method deliberately does not have a default crs=self.crs to force the user to specify it.

polygonize(width, cap_style_line=2, cap_style_point=1)

Turns line or point into a buffered polygon.

tiles(zooms, truncate=False)

Iterator over the tiles intersecting the bounding box of the vector

  • zooms (int or sequence of int) – One or more zoom levels.
  • truncate (bool, optional) – Whether or not to truncate inputs to web mercator limits.

mercantile.Tile object (namedtuple with x, y, z)


Save vector as geojson.

telluric.vectors.generate_tile_coordinates(roi, num_tiles)

Yields N x M rectangular tiles for a region of interest.

  • roi (GeoVector) – Region of interest
  • num_tiles (tuple) – Tuple (horizontal_tiles, vertical_tiles)


telluric.vectors.generate_tile_coordinates_from_pixels(roi, scale, size)

Yields N x M rectangular tiles for a region of interest.

  • roi (GeoVector) – Region of interest
  • scale (float) – Scale factor (think of it as pixel resolution)
  • size (tuple) – Pixel size in (width, height) to be multiplied by the scale factor



Gets the dimension of a Fiona-like geometry element.

telluric.features module

class telluric.features.GeoFeature(geovector, properties)

GeoFeature object.

__init__(geovector, properties)

Initialize a GeoFeature object.

  • geovector (GeoVector) – Geometry.
  • properties (dict) – Properties.
classmethod from_raster(raster, properties)

Initialize a GeoFeature object with a GeoRaster

  • raster (GeoRaster) – the raster in the feature
  • properties (dict) – Properties.

Gets the underlying Shapely shape in a specified CRS.

class telluric.features.GeoFeatureWithRaster(raster, properties)
__init__(raster, properties)
Initialize a GeoFeature object with a raster,

When a GeoFeature has a raster the default behviour is the same as GeoFeature where the geometry is the union of all rasters footprint.

we will override some methods to work differetnly like: 1. reproject (TBD) 2. rasterize (from feature collection, TBD) 3. to_record

  • raster[s] (array or single GeoRaster) –
  • properties (dict) – Properties.

create a raster from assets, assets is a dictonary of links like described in the stacs inteface https://github.com/radiantearth/stac-spec/tree/master/json-spec/examples

  • currently we support a single raster asset, in the feature we could support more

Serialize properties.

Parameters:properties (dict) – Properties to serialize.
telluric.features.transform_properties(properties, schema)

Transform properties types according to a schema.

  • properties (dict) – Properties to transform.
  • schema (dict) – Fiona schema containing the types.

telluric.collections module

class telluric.collections.BaseCollection
dissolve(by=None, aggfunc=None)

Dissolve geometries and rasters within groupby.


Filter results that intersect a given GeoFeature or Vector.


Get all values of a certain property.


Groups collection using a value of a property.

Parameters:by (str or callable) – If string, name of the property by which to group. If callable, should receive a GeoFeature and return the category.
Return type:_CollectionGroupBy

True if all features are empty.


Return a new FeatureCollection with the results of applying map_function to each element.

rasterize(dest_resolution, *, polygonize_width=0, crs=CRS({'init': 'epsg:3857', 'no_defs': True}), fill_value=None, bounds=None, dtype=None, **polygonize_kwargs)

Binarize a FeatureCollection and produce a raster with the target resolution.

  • dest_resolution (float) – Resolution in units of the CRS.
  • polygonize_width (int, optional) – Width for the polygonized features (lines and points) in pixels, default to 0 (they won’t appear).
  • crs (CRS, dict (optional)) – Coordinate system, default to telluric.constants.WEB_MERCATOR_CRS.
  • fill_value (float or function, optional) – Value that represents data, default to None (will default to telluric.rasterization.FILL_VALUE. If given a function, it must accept a single GeoFeature and return a numeric value.
  • nodata_value (float, optional) – Nodata value, default to None (will default to telluric.rasterization.NODATA_VALUE.
  • bounds (GeoVector, optional) – Optional bounds for the target image, default to None (will use the FeatureCollection convex hull).
  • dtype (numpy.dtype, optional) – dtype of the result, required only if fill_value is a function.
  • polygonize_kwargs (dict) – Extra parameters to the polygonize function.
save(filename, driver=None)

Saves collection to file.

sort(by, desc=False)

Sorts by given property or function, ascending or descending order.

  • by (str or callable) – If string, property by which to sort. If callable, it should receive a GeoFeature a return a value by which to sort.
  • desc (bool, optional) – Descending sort, default to False (ascending).
class telluric.collections.FeatureCollection(results)

Initialize FeatureCollection object.

Parameters:results (iterable) – Iterable of GeoFeature objects.
classmethod from_geovectors(geovectors)

Builds new FeatureCollection from a sequence of GeoVector objects.

exception telluric.collections.FeatureCollectionIOError
class telluric.collections.FileCollection(filename, crs, schema, length)

FileCollection object.

__init__(filename, crs, schema, length)

Initialize a FileCollection object.

Use the open() method instead.

classmethod open(filename, crs=None)

Creates a FileCollection from a file in disk.

  • filename (str) – Path of the file to read.
  • crs (CRS) – overrides the crs of the collection, this funtion will not reprojects
telluric.collections.dissolve(collection, aggfunc=None)

Dissolves features contained in a FeatureCollection and applies an aggregation function to its properties.

telluric.georaster module

class telluric.georaster.GeoRaster2(image=None, affine=None, crs=None, filename=None, band_names=None, nodata=0, shape=None, footprint=None, temporary=False)

Represents multiband georeferenced image, supporting nodata pixels. The name “GeoRaster2” is temporary.


  • .array is np.masked_array, mask=True on nodata pixels.
  • .array is [band, y, x]
  • .affine is affine.Affine
  • .crs is rasterio.crs.CRS
  • .band_names is list of strings, order corresponding to order in .array
__init__(image=None, affine=None, crs=None, filename=None, band_names=None, nodata=0, shape=None, footprint=None, temporary=False)

Create a GeoRaster object

  • filename – optional path/url to raster file for lazy loading
  • image – optional supported: np.ma.array, np.array, TODO: PIL image
  • affine – affine.Affine, or 9 numbers: [step_x, 0, origin_x, 0, step_y, origin_y, 0, 0, 1]
  • crs – wkt/epsg code, e.g. {‘init’: ‘epsg:32620’}
  • band_names – e.g. [‘red’, ‘blue’] or ‘red’
  • shape – raster image shape, optional
  • nodata – if provided image is array (not masked array), treat pixels with value=nodata as nodata
  • temporary – True means that file referenced by filename is temporary and will be removed by destructor, default False
add_raster(other, merge_strategy, resampling)

Return merge of 2 rasters, in geography of the first one.

merge_strategy - for pixels with values in both rasters.


Raster affine.

apply_transform(transformation, resampling)

Apply affine transformation on image & georeferencing.

as specific cases, implement ‘resize’, ‘rotate’, ‘translate’

astype(dst_type, in_range='dtype', out_range='dtype', clip_negative=False)

Returns copy of the raster, converted to desired type Supported types: uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, float16, float32, float64

  • dst_type – desired type
  • in_range – str or 2-tuple, default ‘dtype’: ‘image’: use image min/max as the intensity range, ‘dtype’: use min/max of the image’s dtype as the intensity range, 2-tuple: use explicit min/max intensities, it is possible to use ‘min’ or ‘max’ as tuple values - in this case they will be replaced by min or max intensity of image respectively
  • out_range – str or 2-tuple, default ‘dtype’: ‘dtype’: use min/max of the image’s dtype as the intensity range, 2-tuple: use explicit min/max intensities
  • clip_negative – boolean, if True - clip the negative range, default False

numpy array of values


Without opening image, return size/bitness/bands/geography/….


Raster affine.


Return image rectangle in pixels, as shapely.Polygon.


Return footprint center in world coordinates, as GeoVector.

chunks(shape=256, pad=False)

This method returns GeoRaster chunks out of the original raster.

The chunck is evaluated only when fetched from the iterator. Useful when you want to iterate over a big rasters.

  • shape (int or tuple, optional) – The shape of the chunk. Default: 256.
  • pad (bool, optional) – When set to True all rasters will have the same shape, when False the edge rasters will have a shape less than the requested shape, according to what the raster actually had. Defaults to False.

out – The iterator that has the raster and the offsets in it.

Return type:


colorize(colormap, band_name=None, vmin=None, vmax=None)

Apply a colormap on a selected band.

colormap list: https://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html

  • colormap (str) –
  • name from this list https (Colormap) –
  • band_name (str, optional) –
  • of band to colorize, if none the first band will be used (Name) –
  • vmax (vmin,) –
  • and maximum range for normalizing array values, if None actual raster values will be used (minimum) –

Return type:


copy_with(mutable=False, **kwargs)

Get a copy of this GeoRaster with some attributes changed. NOTE: image is shallow-copied!


Return footprint origin in world coordinates, as GeoVector.


Return footprint corners, as {corner_type -> GeoVector}.

crop(vector, resolution=None, masked=None, bands=None)

crops raster outside vector (convex hull) :param vector: GeoVector :param resolution: output resolution, None for full resolution :return: GeoRaster


Raster crs.

deepcopy_with(mutable=False, **kwargs)

Get a copy of this GeoRaster with some attributes changed. NOTE: image is shallow-copied!

classmethod from_bytes(image_bytes, affine, crs, band_names=None)

Create GeoRaster from image BytesIo object.

  • image_bytes – io.BytesIO object
  • affine – rasters affine
  • crs – rasters crs
  • band_names – e.g. [‘red’, ‘blue’] or ‘red’
classmethod from_tiles(tiles)

Compose raster from tiles. return GeoRaster.


Get the pixel values at the requested point.

Parameters:point – A GeoVector(POINT) with the coordinates of the values to get
Returns:numpy array of values
get_tile(x_tile, y_tile, zoom, bands=None, masked=None, resampling=<Resampling.cubic: 2>)

Convert mercator tile to raster window.

  • x_tile – x coordinate of tile
  • y_tile – y coordinate of tile
  • zoom – zoom level
  • bands – list of indices of requested bands, default None which returns all bands

GeoRaster2 of tile in WEB_MERCATOR_CRS

You can use TELLURIC_GET_TILE_BUFFER env variable to control the number of pixels surrounding the vector you should fetch when using this method on a raster that is not in WEB_MERCATOR_CRS default to 10

get_window(window, bands=None, xsize=None, ysize=None, resampling=<Resampling.cubic: 2>, masked=None, affine=None)

Get window from raster.

  • window – requested window
  • bands – list of indices of requested bads, default None which returns all bands
  • xsize – tile x size default None, for full resolution pass None
  • ysize – tile y size default None, for full resolution pass None
  • resampling – which Resampling to use on reading, default Resampling.cubic
  • masked – if True uses the maks, if False doesn’t use the mask, if None looks to see if there is a mask, if mask exists using it, the default None

GeoRaster2 of tile


Raster height.


Raster bitmap in numpy array.


Return image corner in pixels, as shapely.Point.


Pixels outside either raster are set nodata

mask(vector, mask_shape_nodata=False)

Set pixels outside vector as nodata.

  • vector – GeoVector, GeoFeature, FeatureCollection
  • mask_shape_nodata – if True - pixels inside shape are set nodata, if False - outside shape is nodata



Raster number of bands.

classmethod open(filename, band_names=None, lazy_load=True, mutable=False, **kwargs)

Read a georaster from a file.

  • filename – url
  • band_names – list of strings, or string. if None - will try to read from image, otherwise - these will be [‘0’, ..]
  • lazy_load – if True - do not load anything



Return footprint origin in world coordinates, as GeoVector.

pixel_crop(bounds, xsize=None, ysize=None, window=None, masked=None, bands=None)

Crop raster outside vector (convex hull).

  • bounds – bounds of requester portion of the image in image pixels
  • xsize – output raster width, None for full resolution
  • ysize – output raster height, None for full resolution
  • windows – the bounds representation window on image in image pixels, Optional
  • bands – list of indices of requested bands, default None which returns all bands


project(dst_crs, resampling)

Return reprojected raster.


Rotate raster northwards.


Reduce the raster to a score, using ‘op’ operation.

nodata pixels are ignored. op is currently limited to numpy.ma, e.g. ‘mean’, ‘std’ etc :returns list of per-band values

reproject(dst_crs=None, resolution=None, dimensions=None, src_bounds=None, dst_bounds=None, target_aligned_pixels=False, resampling=<Resampling.cubic: 2>, creation_options=None, **kwargs)

Return re-projected raster to new raster.

  • dst_crs (rasterio.crs.CRS, optional) – Target coordinate reference system.
  • resolution (tuple (x resolution, y resolution) or float, optional) – Target resolution, in units of target coordinate reference system.
  • dimensions (tuple (width, height), optional) – Output size in pixels and lines.
  • src_bounds (tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), optional) – Georeferenced extent of output (in source georeferenced units).
  • dst_bounds (tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), optional) – Georeferenced extent of output (in destination georeferenced units).
  • target_aligned_pixels (bool, optional) – Align the output bounds based on the resolution. Default is False.
  • resampling (rasterio.enums.Resampling) – Reprojection resampling method. Default is cubic.
  • creation_options (dict, optional) – Custom creation options.
  • kwargs (optional) – Additional arguments passed to transformation function.


Return type:



Returns X and Y resolution.

resize(ratio=None, ratio_x=None, ratio_y=None, dest_width=None, dest_height=None, dest_resolution=None, resampling=<Resampling.cubic: 2>)

Provide either ratio, or ratio_x and ratio_y, or dest_width and/or dest_height.


Return resolution. if different in different axis - return geometric mean.

save(filename, tags=None, **kwargs)

Save GeoRaster to a file.

  • filename – url
  • tags – tags to add to default namespace

optional parameters:

  • GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK: specifies whether mask is within image file, or additional .msk
  • overviews: if True, will save with previews. default: True
  • factors: list of factors for the overview, default: calculated based on raster width and height
  • resampling: to build overviews. default: cubic
  • tiled: if True raster will be saved tiled, default: False
  • compress: any supported rasterio.enums.Compression value, default to LZW
  • blockxsize: int, tile x size, default:256
  • blockysize: int, tile y size, default:256
  • creation_options: dict, key value of additional creation options
  • nodata: if passed, will save with nodata value (e.g. useful for qgis)
save_cloud_optimized(dest_url, resampling=<Resampling.gauss: 7>)

Save as Cloud Optimized GeoTiff object to a new file.

  • dest_url – path to the new raster
  • resampling – which Resampling to use on reading, default Resampling.gauss

new VirtualGeoRaster of the tiled object


Raster shape.

classmethod tags(filename, namespace=None)

Extract tags from file.

to_bytes(transparent=True, thumbnail_size=None, resampling=None, in_range='dtype', out_range='dtype', format='png')

Convert to selected format (discarding geo).

Optionally also resizes. Note: for color images returns interlaced. :param transparent: if True - sets alpha channel for nodata pixels :param thumbnail_size: if not None - resize to thumbnail size, e.g. 512 :param in_range: input intensity range :param out_range: output intensity range :param format : str, image format, default “png” :param resampling: one of Resampling enums

:return bytes


Return Pillow. Image, and optionally also mask.

to_png(transparent=True, thumbnail_size=None, resampling=None, in_range='dtype', out_range='dtype')

Convert to png format (discarding geo).

Optionally also resizes. Note: for color images returns interlaced. :param transparent: if True - sets alpha channel for nodata pixels :param thumbnail_size: if not None - resize to thumbnail size, e.g. 512 :param in_range: input intensity range :param out_range: output intensity range :param resampling: one of Resampling enums

:return bytes


Return the vector in pixel coordinates, as shapely.Geometry.


Yield slippy-map tiles.

to_world(shape, dst_crs=None)

Return the shape (provided in pixel coordinates) in world coordinates, as GeoVector.


Raster affine.


Return GeoVector of raster, excluding nodata pixels, subject to ‘condition’.

Parameters:condition – e.g. 42 < value < 142.

e.g. if no nodata pixels, and without condition - this == footprint().


Raster width.

exception telluric.georaster.GeoRaster2Error

Base class for exceptions in the GeoRaster class.

exception telluric.georaster.GeoRaster2IOError

Base class for exceptions in GeoRaster read/write.

exception telluric.georaster.GeoRaster2NotImplementedError

Base class for NotImplementedError in the GeoRaster class.

exception telluric.georaster.GeoRaster2Warning

Base class for warnings in the GeoRaster class.

class telluric.georaster.MergeStrategy

An enumeration.

class telluric.georaster.MutableGeoRaster(image=None, affine=None, crs=None, filename=None, band_names=None, nodata=0, shape=None, footprint=None, temporary=False)

There are cases where you want to change the state of a GeoRaster, for these case conisder using MutableGeoRaster

This class allows you to change the following attributes:
  • image - the entire image or the pixel in it
  • band_names - the band_names count and the shape of the image must be consistent
  • affine
  • crs - we don’t validate consistentency between affine and crs
When mutable raster make sense:
  • When you need to alter the the image and copying the image doesn’t make sense
  • When changing the affine or crs make sense without reprojecting

Raster affine.


Raster affine.


Raster crs.


Raster bitmap in numpy array.

class telluric.georaster.PixelStrategy

An enumeration.

class telluric.georaster.RasterChunk(raster, offsets)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


This method takes a list of rasters and a raster that is consturcted of all of them

telluric.georaster.merge_all(rasters, roi=None, dest_resolution=None, merge_strategy=<MergeStrategy.UNION: 2>, shape=None, ul_corner=None, crs=None, pixel_strategy=<PixelStrategy.FIRST: 1>, resampling=<Resampling.nearest: 0>)

Merge a list of rasters, cropping by a region of interest. There are cases that the roi is not precise enough for this cases one can use, the upper left corner the shape and crs to precisely define the roi. When roi is provided the ul_corner, shape and crs are ignored

telluric.georaster.merge_two(one, other, merge_strategy=<MergeStrategy.UNION: 2>, silent=False, pixel_strategy=<PixelStrategy.FIRST: 1>)

Merge two rasters into one.


Return type:


telluric.plotting module

Code for interactive vector plots.

telluric.plotting.layer_from_element(element, style_function=None)

Return Leaflet layer from shape.

Parameters:element (telluric.vectors.GeoVector, telluric.features.GeoFeature, telluric.collections.BaseCollection) – Data to plot.
telluric.plotting.plot(feature, mp=None, style_function=None, **map_kwargs)

Plots a GeoVector in an ipyleaflet map.

telluric.plotting.simple_plot(feature, *, mp=None, **map_kwargs)

Plots a GeoVector in a simple Folium map.

For more complex and customizable plots using Jupyter widgets, use the plot function instead.

Parameters:feature (telluric.vectors.GeoVector, telluric.features.GeoFeature, telluric.collections.BaseCollection) – Data to plot.
telluric.plotting.zoom_level_from_geometry(geometry, splits=4)

Generate optimum zoom level for geometry.


The obvious solution would be

>>> mercantile.bounding_tile(*geometry.get_shape(WGS84_CRS).bounds).z

However, if the geometry is split between two or four tiles, the resulting zoom level might be too big.

telluric.util package

telluric.util.raster_utils.build_overviews(source_file, factors=None, minsize=256, external=False, blocksize=256, interleave='pixel', compress='lzw', resampling=<Resampling.gauss: 7>, **kwargs)

Build overviews at one or more decimation factors for all bands of the dataset.

  • source_file (str, file object or pathlib.Path object) – Source file.
  • factors (list, optional) – A list of integral overview levels to build.
  • minsize (int, optional) – Maximum width or height of the smallest overview level. Only taken into account if explicit factors are not specified. Defaults to 256.
  • external (bool, optional) – Can be set to True to force external overviews in the GeoTIFF (.ovr) format. Default is False.
  • blocksize (int, optional) – The block size (tile width and height) used for overviews. Should be a power-of-two value between 64 and 4096. Default value is 256.
  • interleave (str, optional) – Interleaving. Default value is pixel.
  • compress (str, optional) – Set the compression to use. Default is lzw.
  • resampling (rasterio.enums.Resampling) – Resampling method. Default is gauss.
  • kwargs (optional) – Additional arguments passed to rasterio.Env.

out – Original file is altered or external .ovr can be created.

Return type:


telluric.util.raster_utils.calc_transform(src, dst_crs=None, resolution=None, dimensions=None, src_bounds=None, dst_bounds=None, target_aligned_pixels=False)

Output dimensions and transform for a reprojection.

  • src (rasterio.io.DatasetReader) – Data source.
  • dst_crs (rasterio.crs.CRS, optional) – Target coordinate reference system.
  • resolution (tuple (x resolution, y resolution) or float, optional) – Target resolution, in units of target coordinate reference system.
  • dimensions (tuple (width, height), optional) – Output file size in pixels and lines.
  • src_bounds (tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), optional) – Georeferenced extent of output file from source bounds (in source georeferenced units).
  • dst_bounds (tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), optional) – Georeferenced extent of output file from destination bounds (in destination georeferenced units).
  • target_aligned_pixels (bool, optional) – Align the output bounds based on the resolution. Default is False.

  • dst_crs (rasterio.crs.CRS) – Output crs
  • transform (Affine) – Output affine transformation matrix
  • width, height (int) – Output dimensions

telluric.util.raster_utils.convert_to_cog(source_file, destination_file, resampling=<Resampling.gauss: 7>, blocksize=256, overview_blocksize=256, creation_options=None)

Convert source file to a Cloud Optimized GeoTiff new file.

  • source_file – path to the original raster
  • destination_file – path to the new raster
  • resampling – which Resampling to use on reading, default Resampling.gauss
  • blocksize – the size of the blocks default 256
  • overview_blocksize – the block size of the overviews, default 256
  • creation_options – <dictioanry>, options that can override the source raster profile, notice that you can’t override tiled=True, and the blocksize
telluric.util.raster_utils.warp(source_file, destination_file, dst_crs=None, resolution=None, dimensions=None, src_bounds=None, dst_bounds=None, src_nodata=None, dst_nodata=None, target_aligned_pixels=False, check_invert_proj=True, creation_options=None, resampling=<Resampling.cubic: 2>, **kwargs)

Warp a raster dataset.

  • source_file (str, file object or pathlib.Path object) – Source file.
  • destination_file (str, file object or pathlib.Path object) – Destination file.
  • dst_crs (rasterio.crs.CRS, optional) – Target coordinate reference system.
  • resolution (tuple (x resolution, y resolution) or float, optional) – Target resolution, in units of target coordinate reference system.
  • dimensions (tuple (width, height), optional) – Output file size in pixels and lines.
  • src_bounds (tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), optional) – Georeferenced extent of output file from source bounds (in source georeferenced units).
  • dst_bounds (tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), optional) – Georeferenced extent of output file from destination bounds (in destination georeferenced units).
  • src_nodata (int, float, or nan, optional) – Manually overridden source nodata.
  • dst_nodata (int, float, or nan, optional) – Manually overridden destination nodata.
  • target_aligned_pixels (bool, optional) – Align the output bounds based on the resolution. Default is False.
  • check_invert_proj (bool, optional) – Constrain output to valid coordinate region in dst_crs. Default is True.
  • creation_options (dict, optional) – Custom creation options.
  • resampling (rasterio.enums.Resampling) – Reprojection resampling method. Default is cubic.
  • kwargs (optional) – Additional arguments passed to transformation function.

out – Output is written to destination.

Return type:
